Qualify as a Level 1 referee, SBA will be running a 2-hour practical course at Three Rivers on Sunday, October 23 from 1.30-3.30pm.

Some good news. In discussion with Basketball England, and because we are suggesting we'll have 20+ candidates on our L1 course, we've managed to get the fee reduced to an 'all in' figure of £35 per candidate, which will include the practical session. Please do NOT pay Basketball England but bring the £35 on the day and pay the course tutors. All candidates must register for the course on the link below. If anyone had already signed up on the original link we circulated, please let me know and we can arrange a refund.

Thank you for registering a course with us. The course reference number is R122/032. This will need to be referenced for all communication about this course.

Please can each candidate complete this form to register for the course: Register Here

  • For the first field "I would like to sign up to the below course", please ask them to select "SCHOOL-COLLEGE-ACADEMY ORGANISED".
  • They will then be prompted to enter "Course Reference Number" which is R122/032.

As candidates complete the form, we will provide them with access to the Hive Learning platform to complete the course.

Miranda Leach

Surrey Basketball Association Administrator

The practical course may also be a helpful refresher for junior/inexperienced L1 referees who qualified during the Covid period but did not take a practical course.SBA will give all candidates an opportunity to earn the cost back with appointments at our CVL, allowing for continued development and mentoring.
